welcome to our blog! we're just two 20 something miami u grads paving our way and making our own. here you'll find our daily musings about our lives, loves, and work. come join us as we make our way through this thing called life.
about us...
alex marie: lives and plays in sunny south florida. because of her quality PR job she gets to jet set all over the US and sometimes to ASIA. has been in the real world since may '08.
anne-marie: lives in Norfolk, VA and attends Old Dominion for her M.S.Ed. is enjoying being back at school and cannot wait to finally teach the kiddies all about mathematics. was in the real world for 9 months before returning to the in-between space of grad school
Oh! I love artwelove.com I am thinking this should be a new weekly thing!! - posting our favs once per week!