Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
currently obsessing
This afternoon Kate Spade (another one of AMH and mine's - many- obsessions) sent out an email introducing an artist they have started to collaborate with; bella foster. The illustration (as seen above) in the email was so cute I decided to hop on the website and check out the new desk and wall calendars featuring artwork by bella. So adorable. I must get my hands on one before 2010 starts. Yes, I know this is still months away. If you get a chance you should also check out some of bella's work online. Great things!
(pictures from kate spade email and online)
kate spade,
to defriend or not to defriend?
today one of my good college friends posted this interesting link on twitter. it really makes you think.
i must admit i am an avid defriender and feel no shame in the act; however, the only people i am defriending are not actual friends. (this sounds defensive i know). do you really need to be friends with that girl on your freshman hall that you did not talk to but once on the first day of college because she transferred at winter break??? or how about that kid from chemistry 101 who friended everyone in the 300 person lecture?
I also defriend (on accident) a lot of sorority sisters who got married without my knowledge. oops!
But it goes both ways. after college ended, i was defriened by a friend of a good friend. (is the word friend starting to look funny to you too?) my friend was very hurt by the defriend and i was upset i would no longer be able to follow what this person was doing as we went our separate ways. this defriend was done maliciously and i think was a bad move.
personally, i like to reduce the amount of access a distant friend has to my information using the privacy features. that boy you had a great time with at the ZBZ/Gama Psi/Kappa Tau/Omega Chi 4-way (enjoy the greek reference) really does not need to or care to see all the pictures from your family vacation or your cousins wedding, and he probably wont be looking for them, that girl in your pledge class will be!
please read the CNN article yourself and let us know what you think!!!
i must admit i am an avid defriender and feel no shame in the act; however, the only people i am defriending are not actual friends. (this sounds defensive i know). do you really need to be friends with that girl on your freshman hall that you did not talk to but once on the first day of college because she transferred at winter break??? or how about that kid from chemistry 101 who friended everyone in the 300 person lecture?
I also defriend (on accident) a lot of sorority sisters who got married without my knowledge. oops!
But it goes both ways. after college ended, i was defriened by a friend of a good friend. (is the word friend starting to look funny to you too?) my friend was very hurt by the defriend and i was upset i would no longer be able to follow what this person was doing as we went our separate ways. this defriend was done maliciously and i think was a bad move.
personally, i like to reduce the amount of access a distant friend has to my information using the privacy features. that boy you had a great time with at the ZBZ/Gama Psi/Kappa Tau/Omega Chi 4-way (enjoy the greek reference) really does not need to or care to see all the pictures from your family vacation or your cousins wedding, and he probably wont be looking for them, that girl in your pledge class will be!
please read the CNN article yourself and let us know what you think!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A House?
This morning I woke up to receive an email from my dad containing an article from CNN saying that it is likely that the senate is planning to extend the First Time Home Buyers Credit --- to April. Ok, now how who wants to buy me a house? Pretty Please!
moving out
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Kiehl's love
as you know by now i have a few obsessions in life. one being kiehl's. a few weeks ago i won a contest hosted by them on twitter @kiehlsNYC (they are always having contests so you should follow them!! (make sure you are also following alex marie @achauss and i @anne_mariehugh!)
as my prize i was able to pick of one their new Acai Damage-Repairing products for FREE!!!
i picked the Açaí Damage-Repairing Serum. lisa (my mom) and i have been using it inconsistently over the past 2 weeks and i must say i am very impressed!!! she used it first as i am so careful about what i put on my skin and wanted to have nice skin for my visit to see MLF.
she was v. put off by the sent at first but has grown to love the product. i did not really mind the sent that much (years of using any and every acne medication will do that to you). we both started wearing it at night and i have moved to putting it on after my shower in the morning (i use my acne topical cream at night). this morning i was so pleasantly surprised at how most of the red bloch-y-ness was missing from my face.
i must admit that i was bracing myself for something completely different. when i heard this was an antioxidant i was prepared for a serious breakout as all my impurities where drawn from my face. how wrong i was. i have not experience a breakout at all and i have less blackheads!!
As for lisa she is now a huge kiehl's fan and keeps asking for that stuff that smells and has noticed smaller pores. She has also started using my second ever kiehl's purchase Over-Night Biological Peel and is very happy with the results!
as my prize i was able to pick of one their new Acai Damage-Repairing products for FREE!!!
i picked the Açaí Damage-Repairing Serum. lisa (my mom) and i have been using it inconsistently over the past 2 weeks and i must say i am very impressed!!! she used it first as i am so careful about what i put on my skin and wanted to have nice skin for my visit to see MLF.
she was v. put off by the sent at first but has grown to love the product. i did not really mind the sent that much (years of using any and every acne medication will do that to you). we both started wearing it at night and i have moved to putting it on after my shower in the morning (i use my acne topical cream at night). this morning i was so pleasantly surprised at how most of the red bloch-y-ness was missing from my face.
i must admit that i was bracing myself for something completely different. when i heard this was an antioxidant i was prepared for a serious breakout as all my impurities where drawn from my face. how wrong i was. i have not experience a breakout at all and i have less blackheads!!
As for lisa she is now a huge kiehl's fan and keeps asking for that stuff that smells and has noticed smaller pores. She has also started using my second ever kiehl's purchase Over-Night Biological Peel and is very happy with the results!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
AMH and I were true GG fans from the beginning. She read the books, and introduced me to the series our sr year of college. I have loved the show and been a big fan from the start. This season, however has got me worried. While I still love Blair and her cattiness I'm wondering where this season is going. While I have yet to watch the episode from last night, these are the primary questions I have for this season.
1. What is with Serena? Is she going to go to Brown? Is she still in PR? - I just can't get into that one.
2. Nate's Drama. So over it. And PS what is with that new haircut he was sporting in last week's ep?
3. Georgina- Where did she go? Did Dortota do her off for good?
4. Chuck and Blair. Can't they just be together? - together without that dumb 3some game
5. Where are all of B's headbands? - i miss them
6. How much longer of this Hillary Duff plot?
Tonight I'm going to catch up on the last episode. Let's hope some of my q's are answered and the show's plot starts to improve!
xoxo alex marie
gossip girl,
i gotta feeling
Hey all! We were so inspired by amh's post below we decided to do a little blog spruce up. What do you think? It's still a work in progress, but until we're done watch this fun video below. It's bound to brighten up your day. Hello power of Oprah!
Monday, October 26, 2009
the r-word
now that i am in school for education i am learning about a lot of new things. i have a child and adolescent studies class which i am not a fan of. A. its from like 4-7 on thursdays, B. my brother is the case study for like everything we talk about (and his teacher is in my class so that makes me feel awkward) C. my teacher is very vanilla.
last thursday we were talking about disabilities and how the book we using uses the r-word and many people in my class were outraged. (most of my classmates work in special education). i was supprised that the word could evoke such emotion when used in a clinical setting. i know how much outrage it can cause when used as an insult.
i challenge all of you to stop using the word as an insult and take the pledge!
last thursday we were talking about disabilities and how the book we using uses the r-word and many people in my class were outraged. (most of my classmates work in special education). i was supprised that the word could evoke such emotion when used in a clinical setting. i know how much outrage it can cause when used as an insult.
i challenge all of you to stop using the word as an insult and take the pledge!
grad school
i have been really into editing pictures in photo shop recently. i secretly wish i was an expert photog. and was photogenic so i could fill my life with awesome pictures. here are some thing i have been working on:

the original:
the Polaroids are from: poladroid and it now works on pc too!
what do you think???
Sunday, October 25, 2009
sunday ritual
hope all of you took time to go to post secret today.
the work frank continues to do is amazing and so inspiring.
the work frank continues to do is amazing and so inspiring.
post secret,
Friday, October 23, 2009
jcrew 2010
Well the crew does it again. was recently invited to the Jcrew showroom to see some of the Spring 2010 looks. i die. seriously die. Click here to see the posting by Lucky. What a fun friday surprise!

(photo is from here.)

(photo is from here.)
spring 2010
Thursday, October 22, 2009
inspiring spaces

There was a recent post on one of AMH and mine's favorite blogs: Made By Girl, showing this inspiring living space. I have been on a heart/love kick lately in the likes of home decor (i.e: my previous post on Etsy, etc...). Click the link below to see the posting about Veronika's tres lovely space.
holiday countdown
At my job I have had the holidays on my mind for about a month or so, even though I know this is annoyingly early. However, I was super excited to get an email today from one of my favorite inspiration spots, CB2. They just released their new Holiday Flip Catalog! love it. Also gets me in the mood to start thinking about what I would like this year for the said holidays. Possibly that new mbymj cross-body bag I have been coveting? possibly....
thanks daily candy!
if you ready daily candy today you saw these:

perhaps JC and MLF would like this!!!
more can be found at

daily candy,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
just in
i just got my last birthday present from the ups man! oh how i love him and his little gifts.
(they are all actually from lisa and pa-thug)
(they are all actually from lisa and pa-thug)
a patagonia full-zip re-tool jacket and i have one word: LOVE
witty comment of the day
This was my dear friend JR's gchat away status today. Thought it was witty enough to merit a posting.
♫ JR: Thank God they found balloon boy, I was afraid that Michael Jackson was ordering take out from heaven.
in college my housemate holly (said very slowly) introduced me to hoops and yoyo. she used to take study breaks in her room (she was pre-med and is now in med school) and listen to them. which was unsettling the first few times at 12am. soon we all joined in (you can send them for free via e-mail, my fav. you smell GOOOOD!!!)! even mlf is in LOVE with hoops and yoyo and gets a few cards a year from me to bright up law school!
now you can have hoops and yoyo all the time!!! they have a blog and from there you can get their pod cast!!!
i really enjoyed when yoyo called the halmark vp!
take a listen it will make your day tres better!!!!
now you can have hoops and yoyo all the time!!! they have a blog and from there you can get their pod cast!!!
i really enjoyed when yoyo called the halmark vp!
take a listen it will make your day tres better!!!!
hoops and yoyo,
Monday, October 19, 2009
fall spruse up!
lisa took me to bed bath and beyond armed with a fist full of 20% off coupons and a mission: to make my nook of the house tolerable. i think it was a success!
i have looked at the website but cannot seem to find my purchases. First i got a set of 10 plastic shoe boxes. these are life changing and i suggest you go buy them now! they were only like $8.99 plus the 20% off!!!
Second we got these mesh cubes. you can create them anyway you want and they were like 18.99 plus 20% off! lisa is picking up another one of the metal build-able cubes. the green thing is going to be a great catch all for just putting things down before filing them away in their place. (you can also see my new cupcake cook book and kate spade style!!) while this is nothing too classy it makes my nook so much more bearable. hopefully we will move into a real house soon!!!!
here is a picture of the ceramic squirrel candy dish my mom and dad got me for my birthday! the candy is from them and from my good friend holly! yummy!!!!
i have looked at the website but cannot seem to find my purchases. First i got a set of 10 plastic shoe boxes. these are life changing and i suggest you go buy them now! they were only like $8.99 plus the 20% off!!!
Second we got these mesh cubes. you can create them anyway you want and they were like 18.99 plus 20% off! lisa is picking up another one of the metal build-able cubes. the green thing is going to be a great catch all for just putting things down before filing them away in their place. (you can also see my new cupcake cook book and kate spade style!!) while this is nothing too classy it makes my nook so much more bearable. hopefully we will move into a real house soon!!!!
here is a picture of the ceramic squirrel candy dish my mom and dad got me for my birthday! the candy is from them and from my good friend holly! yummy!!!!
writers block
sorry i have been absent for a while with my birthday and trip to cincinnati i have been busy/boring/unmotivated.
here is a run down of what has been going on with pictures!
in cinci MLF and i went to a pumpkin patch. this is our yearly ritual and even though we are far apart we have never skiped a year!
we named her constance. she lit up the october night nicely (yes i am aware this was tres early!)
here is a run down of what has been going on with pictures!
in cinci MLF and i went to a pumpkin patch. this is our yearly ritual and even though we are far apart we have never skiped a year!
we also went on ride the ducks in cincinnati. it was tres brilant. you go in a boat (that also drives on land) built in WWII (by women!!!)
this was not our trip... ours was mlf me and 4 octogenarians, and it was cold and rainy.
we also went to montgomery inn for dinner and visited AJH at college!
ride the ducks
Friday, October 16, 2009
etsy LOVE
I have officially found a new obsession: Etsy. You can get the cutest artwork made by original artists, and usually for a good bargain. Since I recently moved into a new place with JPC I have had home decor on the mind. Below are some images of a few pieces I would like to own from one of my favorite sellers, The Love Shop who just so happens to be located in Melbourne, Australia. Since my place is currently "pre-furnished" and I do not wish to add any more holes to the wall, than I already have, I may have to hold off on ordering for awhile. I love the je taime print for a guest bedroom. The other two would look great in a cute home office or bedroom.

All images pictured above are from here.

All images pictured above are from here.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
crew raid - october
One of AMH and mine's shared obsessions is our love for all that is Jcrew. That being said I just had to take advantage of the 20% off secret sale. Below is a selection of what I bought. I just can't wait for the package to arrive, and am really hoping that it all fits. Recently I have been having some bad luck with my crew online purchases and have been having to return them to the store down in PB.

*Bought the corsage tee in the Navy and Black combo. Can't wait to include these items into my "colder weather" wardrobe for the upcoming show season.
alex marie
PS: You should all remember to wish AMH a happy birthday tomorrow!!!

*Bought the corsage tee in the Navy and Black combo. Can't wait to include these items into my "colder weather" wardrobe for the upcoming show season.
alex marie
PS: You should all remember to wish AMH a happy birthday tomorrow!!!
Hello World!
...Or more like hello to the Blog! AM will be so happy to see my post. I know I know I have been so MIA on the blog for such a long time, but I am making a promise to blog more often. Now I just need to gain some inspiration! In the meanwhile, check out this cute Etsy Shop I just purchased a couple prints from. Pics soon to come!
alex marie
alex marie
Friday, October 9, 2009
airport outfit!
in an attempt to be stylish and cute i am taking a cue form my bff alex maire. today on the filght i will be wearing skinny jeans a long cardigan and of course a white vneck. only problem i think its cold in ohio.
this brings me to my next point...
i am almost 24 years old yet if someone says well its going to be 65 degrees i panic. i'm talking severe anxiety attack. what the f. does that mean. for some reason i have been unable to pair the temperature with the warm/cold factor. i wish had a little picture of what would be needed for the weather. like if i should bring a jacket, cashmere sweaters, or nike shorts. this would be really helpful and reduce my zanix intake when preparing for trips!
and 65 is so fickle sometimes it means you can pull of shorts and a long sleeve top other times it means jeans and a jacket. MLF is taking me to a nice birthday dinner... are tights needed??? AHHHH.
ok time to get down to business and pack. (lisa left me the larger carry-on!!!)
this brings me to my next point...
i am almost 24 years old yet if someone says well its going to be 65 degrees i panic. i'm talking severe anxiety attack. what the f. does that mean. for some reason i have been unable to pair the temperature with the warm/cold factor. i wish had a little picture of what would be needed for the weather. like if i should bring a jacket, cashmere sweaters, or nike shorts. this would be really helpful and reduce my zanix intake when preparing for trips!
and 65 is so fickle sometimes it means you can pull of shorts and a long sleeve top other times it means jeans and a jacket. MLF is taking me to a nice birthday dinner... are tights needed??? AHHHH.
ok time to get down to business and pack. (lisa left me the larger carry-on!!!)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
i'm leaving on a jet plan...
It's finally upon us! fall break starts tomorrow at 7pm and my flight to Ohio is on Friday at 11 am! only a few small problems...
1. i am now poor... like really poor and in an attempt to save money i am going to carry on. this is the source of a large amount of anxiety for me as i cannot recall a time when i have just carried on. I ALWAYS send my bags under. and added stress i am going to be gone friday to wednesday.
2. i cant bring shampoo and condition and due to the fact that i am poor (and in a serious fight with kiehls right now) i did not buy the really cute travel size of all my fav products! this was probs a bad idea on my part b.c i am going to be doing a ton of travel in the next 4 months but o well. maybe i will get a job (and kiehls will send me my prize that i won thanks to all your votes!!!!) and i can get them for Christmas!
3. i'm going to get 'prises from mlf while in 'nati and will not be able to bring them home in this tiny bag.
4. lastly... i have to bring my bag and carry it around the air port and yuck yuck yuck.
well i found this website so hopefully i can get my act together and pack.
1. i am now poor... like really poor and in an attempt to save money i am going to carry on. this is the source of a large amount of anxiety for me as i cannot recall a time when i have just carried on. I ALWAYS send my bags under. and added stress i am going to be gone friday to wednesday.
2. i cant bring shampoo and condition and due to the fact that i am poor (and in a serious fight with kiehls right now) i did not buy the really cute travel size of all my fav products! this was probs a bad idea on my part b.c i am going to be doing a ton of travel in the next 4 months but o well. maybe i will get a job (and kiehls will send me my prize that i won thanks to all your votes!!!!) and i can get them for Christmas!
3. i'm going to get 'prises from mlf while in 'nati and will not be able to bring them home in this tiny bag.
4. lastly... i have to bring my bag and carry it around the air port and yuck yuck yuck.
well i found this website so hopefully i can get my act together and pack.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
lookie lookie
well i may not be able to google myself... but people care what i think.
I was quoted on about my sadness over 2016.
happy early birthday to me!
I was quoted on about my sadness over 2016.
happy early birthday to me!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
google yourself
i have a very unusual name. that being said i think it is an utter feat that at the age of 23 years 350 days when i google my name i do not come up.
i spent a few hours pondering this today... does this mean i'm irrelevant??? do i not exist because i do not come up in a good search for me? or am i an internet genius?? no awkward facebook pictures, no link to my linked-in page, no twitter feed. then again no race results, running or swimming. no reviews of my work.
the people who do come up; are much more interesting than i am? are they more "real" because they can be googled? should i be jealous of them?
perhaps my time has not come, maybe they have worked hard to be the number 1 amh on the google search. that is why i'm not in the first 5 pages of the google search? have i not worked hard enough, achieved enough?
Alex marie is the second entry in a google search of her name. she actually has alot of entries...
lastly one more question to ponder: why are all the other amh's from england??
i spent a few hours pondering this today... does this mean i'm irrelevant??? do i not exist because i do not come up in a good search for me? or am i an internet genius?? no awkward facebook pictures, no link to my linked-in page, no twitter feed. then again no race results, running or swimming. no reviews of my work.
the people who do come up; are much more interesting than i am? are they more "real" because they can be googled? should i be jealous of them?
perhaps my time has not come, maybe they have worked hard to be the number 1 amh on the google search. that is why i'm not in the first 5 pages of the google search? have i not worked hard enough, achieved enough?
Alex marie is the second entry in a google search of her name. she actually has alot of entries...
lastly one more question to ponder: why are all the other amh's from england??
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