Friday, September 11, 2009

to yoga or not to yoga

time has come my friends for a change. what that change is i am not certain. having made the giant leap back to school i have decided that i need to improve my life in more ways. engaging my mind everyday had made me realize that to be the best person i can bee i need to do more.

my whole life leading up to college i exercised methodically. but it was not exercise it was passion, fun, enjoyment. I have yet to find that in another sport. while i have tried to make running my passion it is nothing compared to pushing myself in the pool.

i think i am going to try yoga. while i find it extremely intimidating i think that making that jump and pushing myself into something so foreign will be a healthy exercise in expanding my horizons. my cousin MW swears it changed her life. i could use a life change!

now all i have to do is work up the courage to actually do it. BIG STEP. i don't know what it is. insecurity perhaps. i can not attend a class. i do videos at home even get Lisa to them with me; but walking into a studio paralyzes me. I can not even bring myself to attend a class at ODU.

in a step to overcome my fear i am purchasing this from lululemon! then i will go to class next week. promise!

until then its spinning for me! Happy Friday!!!

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