mlf and i had a great trip to Toronto! it has been a childhood dream of his to go there and to see a Blue Jays game in the Rodgers Center and we took in 3.
We also went to Casa Loma and the top of the CN tower.
My fav part was our AWSOME hotel room the amaz buffet breakfast and the sail boats outside of our windows.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
grad school...
i have been away devoting all my time to studing for the gre. it all paid off last night as i got a rocken' score (they tell you right away!). it is over and beyond what i need for ODU so hopefully they accept me!
tonight is hughes cousins happy hour at Poag Mahones. should be v. entertaining. however we are going to be missing a few of our favs. EC competes in MISS ILLINOIS today. so exciting. she is the current MISS MCCOMB and we are all SOOOOO proud of her.
her platform is skin cancer prevention. she lost her mother and my aunt to this disease and does a great job of spreading knowledge!
everyone say a prayer for her. if/WHEN she is in the top ten i get to go and cheer her on on saturday!!!!
i have been away devoting all my time to studing for the gre. it all paid off last night as i got a rocken' score (they tell you right away!). it is over and beyond what i need for ODU so hopefully they accept me!
tonight is hughes cousins happy hour at Poag Mahones. should be v. entertaining. however we are going to be missing a few of our favs. EC competes in MISS ILLINOIS today. so exciting. she is the current MISS MCCOMB and we are all SOOOOO proud of her.
her platform is skin cancer prevention. she lost her mother and my aunt to this disease and does a great job of spreading knowledge!
everyone say a prayer for her. if/WHEN she is in the top ten i get to go and cheer her on on saturday!!!!
grad school,
miss illinois,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
the working life
i am just so proud of alex... here is what she has been up to (probably why she is always absent from the blog!)
as for me i am getting more and more excited about the post-post college life... i.e. grad school.
7 days until the GRE
i took my first practice test today. (i know all you over achievers out there just winced but its going to be fine i will be prepared)
the results:
while you cannot tell from my lack luster language on the blog i pride myself on having a large vocabulary. its all in vain. apparently i know nothing.
good thing i want to be a math teacher... i scored well in the math!
as for me i am getting more and more excited about the post-post college life... i.e. grad school.
7 days until the GRE
i took my first practice test today. (i know all you over achievers out there just winced but its going to be fine i will be prepared)
the results:
while you cannot tell from my lack luster language on the blog i pride myself on having a large vocabulary. its all in vain. apparently i know nothing.
good thing i want to be a math teacher... i scored well in the math!
grad school,
room it up
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
new pet peve
why is it that everyone else on the bus or the el is more important than me??
so your in line to get off the bus when all the sudden someone is pushing past you saying excuse me. where the hell are they going?? you can see i am leaving too thats why i got up from my set and am standing behind everyone else.
or your on the el and as the doors open someone about 10 people back starts yelling 'cuse me and pushing. like we are all not trying to get off???
sorry for the vent i just really had to put that out there!
so your in line to get off the bus when all the sudden someone is pushing past you saying excuse me. where the hell are they going?? you can see i am leaving too thats why i got up from my set and am standing behind everyone else.
or your on the el and as the doors open someone about 10 people back starts yelling 'cuse me and pushing. like we are all not trying to get off???
sorry for the vent i just really had to put that out there!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
i am loving me new gre book. i have taken the initial assessment(which panera kicked me out of the first time UGH) and am almost done with the verbal assessments.
my only complains is that on the Kaplan on-line syllabus they keep mentioning a CD... my book did not come with a CD. and i cannot take the pratice quizzes without it... i got this book b.c its supposed to be all on-line and the cd does not work in a mac....
its like i am not suposed to study for this test or something.
days to GRE: 7
days to Toronto: 17
days untill i quit my job: less than 40!
my only complains is that on the Kaplan on-line syllabus they keep mentioning a CD... my book did not come with a CD. and i cannot take the pratice quizzes without it... i got this book b.c its supposed to be all on-line and the cd does not work in a mac....
its like i am not suposed to study for this test or something.
days to GRE: 7
days to Toronto: 17
days untill i quit my job: less than 40!
Panera Bread
my new study spot is Panera Bread. For a few reasons 1. unlimited usage of internet 2. food or drink if needed 3. close to the apt and normally quiet.
today however i have a few complaints
on a much happier note MLF might be comming to chi-town again!!!! if this happens it means that it will be only a little over a week untill we see eachother again for TORONTO!
the last time he visited i did not fully express how happy/excited i was on the blog. it was much better than the 1 line i gave it.
this time we will not get to spend as much time together becuase i have chicago cares all day saturday and my grandma and grandpa are visiting on sunday (more about this later).
still i hope we get to atleast have dinner!!!
now as for my grandma and grandpa coming to visit. this is bad! they a. do not know one of my roommates is a man. b. will be so discusted by the apartment they might disown me. c. what i am going to do with them in chicago for a whole day??? we CANNOT sit at my apt.
G-ma really wants to go to Navy Pier. this will take all of 15 min. once she realizes there is nothing to do i will need something else. we will also have to go to mass. good think MLF's brother moved in by a church so now i can claim it as my own!! if only the priest knew me by name...
the g-rents moved from chicago roughly 20 years ago, perhaps a little less. according to them every area is the GHETTO and i am on the verge of death at every moment. also the fact that is only 50 degrees needs to change or i will NEVER hear the end of it. PRAY FOR NICE WEATHER!!
if anyone has suggestions of fun things to do with the grandparents i will FOREVER be greatful!
oh yes another part to this story. Grandma is still pissed that i will not let them spend the night in the apartment.. GOD HELP ME!
today however i have a few complaints
- its like the artic tundra in here, i have sweet pants and a zip up hoodie on and am so cold my nose is running. not to mention is JUNE!
- during the lunch hour they limit internet access to 30 minuntes and that messed up my pratice test.
- every mother of a child under 1 year brought them here and then pinched them. constant cries.
on a much happier note MLF might be comming to chi-town again!!!! if this happens it means that it will be only a little over a week untill we see eachother again for TORONTO!
the last time he visited i did not fully express how happy/excited i was on the blog. it was much better than the 1 line i gave it.
this time we will not get to spend as much time together becuase i have chicago cares all day saturday and my grandma and grandpa are visiting on sunday (more about this later).
still i hope we get to atleast have dinner!!!
now as for my grandma and grandpa coming to visit. this is bad! they a. do not know one of my roommates is a man. b. will be so discusted by the apartment they might disown me. c. what i am going to do with them in chicago for a whole day??? we CANNOT sit at my apt.
G-ma really wants to go to Navy Pier. this will take all of 15 min. once she realizes there is nothing to do i will need something else. we will also have to go to mass. good think MLF's brother moved in by a church so now i can claim it as my own!! if only the priest knew me by name...
the g-rents moved from chicago roughly 20 years ago, perhaps a little less. according to them every area is the GHETTO and i am on the verge of death at every moment. also the fact that is only 50 degrees needs to change or i will NEVER hear the end of it. PRAY FOR NICE WEATHER!!
if anyone has suggestions of fun things to do with the grandparents i will FOREVER be greatful!
oh yes another part to this story. Grandma is still pissed that i will not let them spend the night in the apartment.. GOD HELP ME!
Friday, June 5, 2009
this post is a the request of my high school friend CB. he has yet to be mentioned on the blog, mostly because he has not come to visit me. (choose Charleston instead??)
anyway CB and i were actually not friends in high school. mainly because i had no friends from CCHS (thats an exaggeration but mostly true). anyway we became friends the summer after sr. year. and we are still friends. mainly becuase we hate all the same people. our mutual friend and class mate c-tina introduced us(not really because we went to school together since the 6th grade but as i said i really had no friends). sadly c-tina and i are no longer in contact but CB and i are!
CB works at my fav. store. Harris Teeter. mentioned here and every time i go to JEWEL(yuck). we had a lovely phone chat today. good talks with old friends are always good!
anyway CB and i were actually not friends in high school. mainly because i had no friends from CCHS (thats an exaggeration but mostly true). anyway we became friends the summer after sr. year. and we are still friends. mainly becuase we hate all the same people. our mutual friend and class mate c-tina introduced us(not really because we went to school together since the 6th grade but as i said i really had no friends). sadly c-tina and i are no longer in contact but CB and i are!
CB works at my fav. store. Harris Teeter. mentioned here and every time i go to JEWEL(yuck). we had a lovely phone chat today. good talks with old friends are always good!
Customer Service
i have had some v. bad customer service experiences. however, in the past 2 weeks i have had 2 great experiences.
- COACH - i have had a trust pair of coach sunglasses for a while now. i got them after a mom at the coutnrty club hijacked mine.(no i am not still extreamlly bitter and yes she wore them the rest of the summer) they were black and square and had sparkle detail. so yes they were a bit out dated but i loved them. I went to put htem on the other day and there were two large scratches from the ear stems. i took them to coach expecting them to send them away and replace the lense. no, they let me pick a new pair.
my new glasses.
- Boarders - the GRE study book i had (PRINCETON REVIEW 1,014 Practice Questions) had the wrong answers!!! how annoying. so after i had written in it the lovely staff at Borders let me return my book and i got a new one. i will review it after my day long study session tommorow.
my new book...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
sorry all.
i have been supper busy with studying for the gre/sleeping/talking to bristol that i tots forgot to blog.
nothing much happening here. roommates dog destroyed more shoes, MLF visited, i saw a movie at the brew and view.
ok off to the Sbucks to study... im bringing mac this time so maybe/possibly/DEFINITELY i will have more posts soon.
i have been supper busy with studying for the gre/sleeping/talking to bristol that i tots forgot to blog.
nothing much happening here. roommates dog destroyed more shoes, MLF visited, i saw a movie at the brew and view.
ok off to the Sbucks to study... im bringing mac this time so maybe/possibly/DEFINITELY i will have more posts soon.
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