Saturday, May 16, 2009

tour de oxford

For Those of you who did not get to spend 4 (or more) GLORIOUS years at MIAMI.

as Robert Frost put it "The prettiest campus that ever was"King Library where i spent many hours but i never road a bike.
Upham Arch and alex marie. (if you kiss your lover under the arch at midnight you are denstined to become a MIAMI merger
Close up (also i spent alot of time here b.c it used to be the business school before they bulit a new one)
MLF and his house mates. so handsome!
MLF walking in to graduation (i got great seats!)
I am so J. they got to wear red so much better than black, but i guess they are the bicentinnel class.

Also, off my check list Alex Maire, JC and I accomplished skippers, lunch boxes at Steinkellers (no fries tho), fiesta chara, 3 mind probes (no mongolians but thats ok), 1 bloody mary, lots of beers, and FUN TIMES!!!


  1. Cute pics.

    Why no fries? Watching the waist size or something???

  2. so full from fiesta could not eat again!
