Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
the crew
i rarely get clothes now a) i know how cheep they can be if you are employeed by the store b) im a poor post college girl c) im really poor. so i was happy when i bought this (MLF was in for the weekend) and i am happy now! totally worth the 29.50 which was like $34 after chi-town tax (i'll leave that for another post!)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
old obsession
here is what alex and submited and was denied:
Madras, the colonial capitol of Tamil Nadu, India, is becoming a fashion must-have for a white person's wardrobe. White people are beginning to recognize that it is unacceptable to wear just one pattern of plaid, and now demand that their clothes have a menagerie of multiple plaids stitched together. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this staple before attending your next white wedding, weekend at the cape, cocktail party, barbeque or fraternity party.
While white people were once satisfied with the one print plaid, they now understand the need to combine all different plaids of the same color scheme, in order to create a uniquely preppy short, blazer, pant, skirt, dress or tie. One must be careful when deciding which pieces to purchase and examine the quality of plaid match. As all plaids are not created equal. It would be embarrassing for a white person to be caught with the same plaid patched together.
When one encounters a madras-clad individual be sure to notice the different plaids matched together. Upon receiving a compliment on their madras belt, dress, skirt or blazer, a white person will become extremely happy and proud, as if they hand picked the plaids and sewed them together themselves. Other topics of conversation with madras-sporting individuals include: living by the water and graduate school education. Please note that while there is the option to build a full madras suit, this is to be advised against. This will make you look as if you are trying, white people will notice and lookdown upon this failing effort.
While Madras is very prevalent on most college campuses, it has expanded well into suburbia and the office. This expansion has been fueled by many retailers, J.Crew in particular. To wow a fellow white person, match your madras with a sweater (see Sweaters) and a pair of boat shoes. Your look will become the envy of the event you are attending, prompting others to ask where you found your fantastic outfit. It is best to keep this a secret. White people are sneaky and may rip off your one of a kind item.
Friday, May 22, 2009
just keep running.
on to bigger and better (more intoxicating things). in the true spirit of self disctruction i went out with KL last night. (KL is a soro sister of alex and a friend of mine) i digress. we after work last night i met up with KL with at her work and we took the water taxi over to rivers. great times. while everyone else in the group sipped wine i made the first SDD of the night and went stright to kettle one gimlets. after a few rounds and the jolly company of the guys at the tables next to us we went to Market. a short side note ( i am not a cool person. i subscribe to the polo/j.crew/wasp like lifestyle. try as i might i am not nor ever will be hip.) this said i did not enjoy market. it was v. LAX, Le Deux, i seriously looked for heidi and LC the whole time.
the ups: great view from the bar, good drinks, good food (yoga pizza and hummus platter were my favs)
the downs: two bottle table service for a table on the roof top, rude wait staff
well i'm off to make pasta to carb load for my race...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
why can i get the jpeg to be transparent??? ALEX i need your photo shop skills.
eh. i'm done with this for today the blog will be ugly until tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Blast From the Past.
- my luxie lover called out of the blue (read: i called her forever ago and she finally called me back!!!) and we are going to hang out this weekend! i die
- a high school friend messaged me. apparently we live in the same neighborhood. drinks are in order!
- i hung with my cousin JH. not a old friend but i have not seen her in like a month. we are running the 10 mile together on SATURDAY -eek-
- dinner on Thursday with another college friend
catching up on old friends is a great way to break the dullness of the work week up. AND ... its a holiday weekend. off at 3 pm on friday!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Trader Joe's
with trader joe's. so much so that today on this perfect day i walked, took a bus and the el to get there. (there is one that is just a bus ride away but whats the fun in that on this beautiful day) AJH has the jeep now.
but i now have all this glorious food! and i got to spend some time outside. Good thing MLF got me that L.L Bean Boat Tote. its also on Nina Garcia's The One Hundred so everyone should have one!
back to trader joe's. reasons why i'm in love:
- amazing product selection all private label
- best organic yogurt i have been able to find (and always plenty of frozen raspberries!)
- cheep prices
- great produce
- AMAZING wine (for the non-post college palate you might not agree)
- cannot use coupons (this is major for me)
- relative small selection of non healthy items
Saturday, May 16, 2009
tour de oxford
as Robert Frost put it "The prettiest campus that ever was"
i have finally recoved from my tour de Oxford, MLFs visit and a visit from my sis, AJH, however my room has not. i sware i will clean it soon.
anyway who knew that next weekend was memorial day. that means solider field 10 mile... EEK. i ran 8 today so i think i'll be ok.
Also, if finally STOPED rainning in chi town. wahooo!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
graduation deux

this weekend both MLF and alex's BF we will call him JC (as in jesus christ) graduate. good thing we get to relive our glory day on friday. Fiesta Chara, Skippers, Mongolans at CJs, strongbow (on tap), and french fries as Steinkellers. we are going to do it all. -translation: probally none of this will happen but much fun will insue)
while JC is graduating from Law School and MLF from college(heading to law school) they will both be in the cincinnati area.
if only we can have one moment like this:

few times in my life will i talk about something as fondly as MIAMI. bailey my dog ranks about as high, so does kiehls. thats about it.
ok maybe alex, AJH and MLF make the cut.
i'm back...
- the cable was out
- it keeps raining
- i have been v. boring lately
- the cable was out (again, this happens alot)
- i have been in a deep depression about the fact that a year ago i was graduating college.
- my internet time has been devoted to Linkedin and finding a new job!!