time two occurred at the seven eleven on monday. i was trying to make it through an awful monday (i had a sever case of the mondays and my job does have an equivllevent to TPC reports. i run them all day) so i went down to get some dark chocolage M&Ms. so the man behind the counter can tell im stressd and he tells me my "husband is a lucky man he would love to come home to me everynight. have me make him a dinner and get with me" WHAT????

time 3 today. so im walking in to get dinner and after parking my car the truck with the snowplow attached (see right) starts to come so i stand still. he then stops the truck and starts to talk to me. WHY??? (do i look like i want to be picked up in the parking lot when its -3 out side by the man driving the snow plow??)
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