normally this is a hassle. surprisingly it was not horrid. AJH and i headed to the DMV located closest to the rental home. after hiding our water-bottles -no drinks or food allowed- we made our way to the front desk. this is where a kind woman checked to make sure we had all the proper documents. although i had checked the VA DMV site multiple times neither abby nor i had the appropriate documentation. Abby is not in possession of one crucial piece and i did not have my passport. we went home and i grabbed my passport. after waiting a mere 30 min my number was called.
this is where the fun began. my eyes where checked and i was passed once again without glasses or contacts. then it was time for the dreaded picture. i have had very good luck with sweet taking the people at the NC DMV into always allowing me to check my picture. no such luck. in addition to this VA just started enforcing that secure ID procedures from Ws days where you can not smile in government documentation. MLF says this is because no one smiles when the get pulled over... well i mainly use my ID to get into bars and i am ALWAYS smiling there so i decided to sneak a smile. CAUGHT! she made me do my picture again and told me not to smile or open my mouth. AHHHH. i quipped is this like a mug shot to which a gentleman in line behind me laughed. the DMV worker was not ammused and i was left with the picure below....

its not even in color... ugh... at least its only valid until 2016...
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