Wednesday, February 11, 2009

my disdain for public transport.

it all started yesterday.

first i have to admit, i'm that girl. having had a cellphone from the age of 15, i think everyone in my generation has the same issues. we must make calls! so while sitting on the el i tend to talk on the phone. while driving in the car, i tend to talk on the phone(DON'T TELL THE CPD)

so per the ususge. i was on the phone with my mom while on the el yesterday. i was aware of my surroundings and positioned my self by the door that does not open. WELL, it got croweded and this man was like PRESSED up against me. like im talking i had no wiggle room (did i mention i HATE STRANGERS TOUCHING ME). so i had to get off the phone. i thought this would make him back up... NO. he would like bump in to me and then press harder. EWWWW.

finally i was a hugh B*TCH and like pushed him away and made a run for it.

(this would never happend in my own car)

another thing about the el is that i'm not the only one on the phone. some people talk really soft others VERY loud. this does not bother me as much as the people who speak in 1/2 english and 1/2 spanish. mostly b.c i know some spanish and can tell what they are saying... and its nothing to special. why do they do that???? are they just trying to show off????

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