Saturday, March 28, 2009

its time

so tomorrow is the day. 8k here i come!but the weather is going to be ...

SNOW!!! well i guess that means shopping today!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


1. these bags
2. gossip girl
3. chuck bass
4. summer time
5. retirement!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


i know you all watch real housewives last night. we sure did.

1. who is this kelly girl?? get rid of her

2. what is luann's issue? obviously she and alex are having problems... he misses victoria ride and then she blows up like this. someone might be an ex-countess soon.

3. this website basically sums up what happened

Monday, March 9, 2009

6 word love stories

i got Six Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak edited by Smith Magazine from MF for valentines day. i had heard about it on NPR right before and just finished reading all of them.

it is inspired by Ernest Hemmingway's short story "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn" heartbreaking

but the book is so good, you can find stories for any mood. some our sad, some funny, and some so inspiring.

some of my fav's are:
" Now married, kissing with eyes open" -Elissa Schappell
" He makes me laugh every day" -Detta Owens
" I want to flip my claddagh" -Joann Wang**
"Love, unreturned is still worth feeling" -Lisa Stanton
"Heartbroken, untill the bitch finally died" -Christopher Moore

MLF and i have been making our own. you should try it!

**a claddah is an irish symbol warn one way to show your heart is taken and another to show it is available

growing up

i think i have finally reached the hardest part of being an adult...

spring break

its so awful to have to go to work every day while mf is off drinking on the beaches of florida. its not even like i was ever a HUGE spring break person. I went to alex's house in florida twice and home the other two times. but just the horrid thought of going to "gasp" work while people are enjoying SB is becoming to much to bear.

i know im making this all sooo tragic but truly it is.

and its cold and raining here in the windy city... can't i catch a break???

Thursday, March 5, 2009

oh internet...

this cutout combines some of my favoite things. skinny girl margs and alex!!! what more could i ask for from facebook???

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

blog shake up

well since i have now been a part of the real world for 90 days i thought the blog needed a shake up.

also, tomorrow is my fav MIAMI day of the year. GBD. some of my best memories were made on Green Beer Day (like you didnot know thats what it was)

Junior year at tipsypre Proud Mary Senior Year

senior year at Fiesta Chara

i miss it. welp off to work tommorw at 5 am not to the bars.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


so one of the complete downsides of my new found life is bills!

i love my roomies to death(you can see we are already FB friends and they have tagged me in pix!) BUT... they have issues paying bills. so now we have not cable or internet.

i am an addict of all things wired so this has been v. hard for me. i broke down and ventured out in the lovely Chicago weather:
at least i have my v. new posh hat (thank you lisa) on to make me feel better.